It’s arrived, his year as Commodore

After 6 months of planning and organising, reading the ‘standards and traditions’, finding out a lot more about bands and caterers than I ever wanted to know, not to mention no time to do anything else Andrew’s year as Commodore was ‘rubber stamped’ at the AGM and off we go to Commodore’s Lunch at The Runnymede Hotel on Sunday January 14th. There was a lot of discussion at the AGM about hats, but hopefully everyone who wanted to wear one did.

We enjoyed the event tremendously.

The location is fab, the weather sunny, and our food delicious. It was good to see all those Eustaces there apart from sister Annabel (we missed you Abby). And particular congrats to Speedbird, the only boat to turn up. I understand the trip back was a bit wet!

My hairdresser is on a cake making course and made the cake, complete with TMYC hat, amazing.

Can’t get out of it now…..

Commodores cake
The Eustaces
cutting the cake
Top Table with President and Vice Commodore