Pulled Pork anybody?

Recent tradition (if that’s not an oxymoron) has it that Commodore should prepare a light lunch for any members that turn up to the Riverside Bar on a Sunday. Well as most of you know Andrew and I have a very happy marriage where he drives and I cook .

However life was pretty busy and pretty full even before Andrew ‘volunteered’ for  Commodore. So there are only so many Sunday we will be available.

And today was one of them. So armed with pulled pork, rolls, coleslaw and potato wedges it’s off to TMYC we go.

It’s a conundrum, what to do with the Riverside bar in the winter. Most members  have very full lives but lunch does pull a few in. There were 12 lunches sold today. That is pretty normal for winter weekends. And someone has to buy and prepare them. We will hopefully have a weekend chef soon, but there need to be more people there to pay for her.

Answers on a postcard please…..

One response to “Pulled Pork anybody?”

  1. Elaine,

    Your post reflects what has been said about the weekend lunches for some considerable time; Neil Duke wrote about it in his Nov 17 Commodore’s Column. Summer usually attracts more customers but it is still a bit of hit and miss. There are other factors that come into play – bar takings have continued to drop over the past few years indicating among other things a reduced footfall. The Club is trying to reverse that trend. I try to make Saturday lunches but on Sundays I usually have other duties to perform (details on request!!). Good luck with the remainder of the year.