No sooner had we retired to bed after a night at the ADLS Supper, than the alarm clock goes off and its time for a boaty weekend. Today is our ‘Shepperton Boat and Eat’ weekend, where boats are invited to Shepperton for a little mini-cruise.
Andrew is off on Riveretta first thing to see how much mooring space there is outside the Thames Court pub. Its has been a fabulous few days of weather, the river is coming alive, boats are everywhere. So… there are no spaces. Where are we going to put the club’s boats? He comes back home and we start breakfast. We see a narrow boat go upriver past Ripples… it has left it’s mooring at Thames Court… there must be a space now. Forget breakfast, off we go, onto Etta and over to Thames Court. Whew… that’s one mooring reserved at least. I am not even awake, blimey in my terms the sun is hardly up, but we are here and here we will stay until the club boats can get here.
A little later White Onyx joins us, and eventually we have 5 alongside moorings. The rest of the boats arrive late afternoon and we all bask in the sun. By now, Etta has handed over her space to one of the visiting boats and is back on her home mooring. But Commodore is providing pre dinner drinks tonight. So back we go on Etta and across to the pub again, for drinks and supper at Thames Court.
After a well organised meal (thank you Flying Colours) and a night-time cruise back to Ripples (thanks for letting us out Severa!) 26 people turned up for Brunch at Ripples on Sunday morning.
I had got a bit carried away with my menu ideas the previous week:
But luckily with a lot of help from Caroline, Linda, Pat and Pauline and help and patience from everyone else we managed to get everyone fed sooner or later. And apologies girls, I am sure you will be smelling of bacon for days!
Another glorious sunny day, we eat and sit and chat and sun bathe and by early afternoon all the boats had departed for their home moorings. Thanks for making it a fun weekend to Bilbow, Conway Star, Flying Colours, K-ser-A, Mazarine Blue, Miss hardy, Odyssea, Severa, Silver sceptre, Tom Tit, Vivacious and White Onyx. Not forgetting the dozen or so people who turned up at the Thames cout pub by car 🙂