we decided on a 6am start from Nieuwpooort. The harbourmaster at Brugge, our destination, worried us with stories of delays on the waterways on Sundays, and we were trying to catch the remains of the east going stream.
Looking to smooth our passage I had phoned the Lock at Oostende, that being our only way into the waterways before lunchtime. The Lock manager was very helpful and told me not to arrive before 6am. Very little chance of that! What he didn’t tell me was that the lifting bridge after the lock wouldn’t lift until 08:30.
So after an amazingly smooth 10 nautical mile trip from Niewuwpoort to Ostend we entered the Demeysluis Lock around 0730, and then sat and had our breakfast there until the 0830 bridge opened.
One response to “A day on the boat”
Looks absolutely gorgeous xxx