I wanna be like you who ooo

This Saturday it was delightful to have a full house at the club, with over 80 members attending for Commodore’s Choice. This had been billed as a surprise evening and thank you to Fran and David for keeping the surprise! There were a few people who were a little confused by the waiters, especially when the waiters made comments like “Look, I would really like you to chose your canape quickly. In fact the quicker the better and then I can go home”. And, er , who wouldn’t be.

But it wasn’t until the waiters started singing that most people realised what the surprise was all about.

They started off with Andrew and a rendition from Jungle Book … ‘I wanna be like And..and….rew…” which had me and his siblings in stiches. And thanks too to Maureen, Lynn and Mike and Claire for playing up to their antics. The only problem with the act was that it didn’t go on long enough!

Ella, our number 1 satsuma juggler
Richard and Annabel salute their big bro
Its Maureen’s turn to be serenaded

Annabel, who lives in Hong Kong, finally made it to a TMYC event.